Shipping costs and delivery times

The shipping rates of Negrini S.r.l. are calculated per package. A package can contain multiple items, but no more than 5.
The shipping costs are automatically calculated during the online order process.

Shipping within Italy
The shipping costs within Italy are €2.80 for small items that can fit in an envelope the size of an A4 document, and €9.50 for each package with a maximum length of up to 120 cm.
For packages with larger dimensions, the shipping costs are automatically calculated during the order process.

For total orders over €70.00, shipping is free, except for Cash on Delivery (COD) payments. In this case, a fixed cost of €8.50 per order is added for COD shipping.

Shipping within Europe
For total orders over €290.00, shipping is free.

Shipping outside Europe
For total orders over €650.00, shipping is free except for the countries Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Malaysia, where shipping is never free.

Shipping to the United States
Visit the website
Shipping costs and free shipping eligibility vary depending on the product and the purchase amount.

Delivery times vary depending on the type of product.

In general:

  • the P.P. items in the line Essential are shipped within 48 to 72 working hours;
  • the P.P. items with ABS interior in the line Hybrid, are shipped within 3 to 9 working days;
  • the thermoformed ABS items in the line The Original, Intermedia, Lusso e Gran Lusso,have delivery times ranging from 5 to 20 days. This is because each item is custom-made at the time of order. For this product line, color customization can be requested.

Each product shows an estimated delivery time, which is adhered to unless there are unforeseen circumstances or closure periods. During summer holidays and Christmas, deliveries are halted. A message with the production halt dates is highlighted on the home page.

In the case of an order with products having different delivery times, unless otherwise specified by the Customer, a single shipment will be made when all the ordered items are available.

Negrini S.r.l. delivers throughout Italy, across Europe, and worldwide, excluding the United States of America. For deliveries to the United States, please refer to our website


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