Category SEC

The SEC line

It is the first 'entry level' line in polypropylene, built with high-quality materials.
Tested by billions of pieces sold, the distinctive feature of the SEC line are the metal hinges that hold the two shells together and the sliding locks on the front.
The series includes nineteen different models, from the smallest of 20 x 30 cm, to the largest, with a maximum length of 132 cm.


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The series was created in 1995 and immediately found great success, especially thanks to the design, price, and ease of use, facilitated by the two locks near the handle: two of these open inward and two outward. This ease of opening is one of the secrets of this line, which has gained appreciation worldwide over more than twenty years.


All suitcases in this line are suitable for air transport; for this purpose, the 'ad hoc' designed sliding combination lock has been created, which can be purchased and installed at any time through a very simple operation.


It is possible to customize the suitcase by choosing the exterior color or by applying a logo.

TUTORIAL Negrini srl cases 2259 Sliding Combination Lock SEC series locking system


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